
sleep apnea testing

South Chicago Sleep Lab

What is a Sleep Study?

A sleep study is a painless test that examines the quality of your sleep. The information acquired during testing is summarized by our Board Certified Sleep Doctor.

We offer two options for sleep testing:

1) Home Sleep Study

This test is conducted in the comfort of your home. Patient’s will pick up the home sleep test from our two convenient locations. After completion of the study, the data is analyzed and interpreted by our sleep doctor.

2) Polysomnograph

A Polysomnograph is an in lab sleep study conducted at our sleep lab. A registered polysomnographic sleep technologist will administer the study. Patient’s should plan as if they are staying at a hotel for the night.




South Chicago Sleep Lab
9011 S. Commercial Ave.
Chicago IL 60617

2nd Floor.



Phone: (773) 375-1845

Fax: (773) 375 6591


Sleep Disorders


Symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, uncontrollable daytime sleep attacks, sudden loss of muscle tone, vivid hallucinations and sleep paralysis.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Breathing pauses for a few seconds to a minute or more throughout the night. Loud snoring, daytime sleepiness and high blood pressure are associated with this disorder.


Difficulty falling or staying asleep. This is the most common sleep disorder affecting one in three Americans.

PLM Disorder

Also known as Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. Involuntary movement of the legs while asleep. Often, a person is unaware of the movements but may complain of restless sleep or excessive daytime sleepiness.

Restless Legs Syndrome

An unpleasant “creeping” or “crawling” sensation in the legs. The arms may also be affected.


Parasomnias include sleep walking, sleep talking, teeth grinding, sleep terrors, rhythmic-movement disorder (head banging, head rolling or body rocking) and REM sleep behavior disorder (acting out a dream, which may result in injury to the person or bed-partner).


Untreated, sleep disorders can have a devastating impact on health and quality of life. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, decreased cognitive functions, and other health concerns have been linked to inadequate sleep. A sleep study provides the information your physician needs to make a proper diagnosis and provide effective treatment recommendations for your sleep disorder.




Let us help you.